Statistics Iceland‘s older publications can be accessed at the website Tí These are publications that fall under the series Statistics of Iceland I, II and III. Publications from 2004 are, however, available at the Statistics Iceland‘s website under Publications. Publications.

Statistical Yearbook

Statistics Iceland published the statistical manual Statistical Abstract if Iceland continuously for 25 years, from 1991 to 2015, which is available at Tí

Statistical Series

The publication of Statistical Series, which has been published since 1916 with the purpose of publishing the latest economic statistics is available at Tí (1916-2003) and at the Statistics Iceland‘s website (2004-)-

Hagskinna, Icelandic Historical Statistics

Hagskinna was published in 1997 and contains statistical information about Icelandic society as far back in time as sources allow.
Hagskinna is available at Bæ
It is also possible to download the publication on the Statistical Office's website as a zip-file sögulegar hagtölur.

Publications of the National Economic Institute

The National Economics Institute's publications are also available at Tímarit is. . Including National Accounts Reports and From the National Economy. The easiest way is to search for titles.